

An entire color palette is included in Concise that you can use for various elements in your design.

You can view and modify the color palette inside of the $colors map in /custom/_globals.scss.

Base Colors

base, primary

base, selection

base, lines

Text Colors

text, primary

text, secondary

text, heading

text, UI

Background Colors

background, dark

background, light

background, body

State Colors

state, muted

state, primary

state, success

state, warning

state, error

Blue Colors

blue, darker

blue, dark

blue, base

blue, light

blue, lighter

Green Colors

green, darker

green, dark

green, base

green, light

green, lighter

Cream Colors

cream, darker

cream, dark

cream, base

cream, light

cream, lighter

Red Colors

red, darker

red, dark

red, base

red, light

red, lighter

Gray Colors

gray, darker

gray, dark

gray, base

gray, light

gray, lighter

Helper Function

The getColor() function has been included to help easily retrieve colors from our color palette. Please refer to the documentation on functions to see how to use the getColor() function.

You can view and modify the color palette inside of the $colors map in /custom/_globals.scss.

Text Colors

Helper classes have been included so you can easily change the color of text.

Background Colors

If you want to change the background of an element, you can do so by using one of the .bg--* classes provided by Concise. These classes can be used on any element or with any class provided by Concise (eg: buttons, tables, etc).